Well, for a minimally thorough shower( even a hand spray one) it would have meant additional dialog to stretch it( which the chance to see these GORGEOUSNESSESS even longer in dishabli'es would have been nice) it would have been awkward to do that. Most movies don't have time for the scene to run as reality would have it. Movie convention trope.
Not sure cuz strikes me as early 60s for the style but I wonder if she spoke the English as well as this at the age she would have been at this time.Can't quite figure if the audio and video are out of synch or if this is badly dubbed, as I've heard Ms Danning and there isn't a trace of her German toned English in any of these voices here.
Can't quite figure if the audio and video are out of synch or if this is badly dubbed, as I've heard Ms Danning and there isn't a trace of her German toned English in any of these voices here.