...Trying to locate movie...Morgan Steel and Colored Mistress have sissy maid scene. Sissy Marta drops Morgans Steels ash and is spanked by both Mistresses. Second Sence Dutchess Von Stern play teach Ms Cambell and paddles her student 2 times...Think is was made by Bizarre Videos in early 90s. Think it was called Spanking Fantasies. Will pay 1000 dollars..Thank
Wow... He's so good at standing still, holding his arms down and not crying out. Makes it more impactful when he finally starts making small noises, when they whip him later. He's so stoic! I love it. Came at the end, when he was holding himself up and back so well, when he didn't like it. Wow!
ce traitement des testicules par une éducatrice pendant que le bêta est interogé longuement est l’une des plus belle démonstration d’éducation masculine que j’ai vu. un must à appliquer systématiquement avant une punition sévère .
Will pay 1000 dollars..Thank
un must à appliquer systématiquement avant une punition sévère .