After my husband lost his anal cherry when my father fucked his ass in the sauna I decided to start giving my husband a real education. I had a shemale girlfriend that was chomping on the bit waiting for my husband to lose his virginity so she could fuck his ass. When my husband was available I called my girlfriend and gave the OK for her to fuck him relentlessly until his ass was sore. My parents have a Roman bath similar to the one in the video and she took him into the bath and fucked his ass into the afternoon. My mom and I sunning naked by the pool drinking champagne could hear his cries emanating from the bath when she fucked his ass. She finally let him out of the bath to where we were sunning showing us his leaking asshole full of semen and opened his mouth showing me another load he had just sucked from giving her a blow job. My girlfriend still had an erection so I told her to push my husband over the nearby lounge chair so my mom and I could watch him get fucked one more time. To show off this time she gave them all over the top pounding for a good 30 minutes as my husband begged her to stop.